Wednesday, October 19, 2011


We interrupt our regularly scheduled program for...

A Scrapbook Starting Point! It's so very handy that Shimelle posts these on Saturdays and my monthly crop nights are usually on Saturdays. It gives me a jumpstart on the inspiration factor and a project that's easy to complete in one evening.
 For this page, I finally scrapped some of the very last photos from Big Brother's first year that needed to make it into my album. These precious photos add more depth to a special story told elsewhere in my album (the Superman story) but they have been languishing in my photo box for a long time...patiently waiting for me to make up my mind about how to treat them.  My recent nesting craze (ridiculous, I tell you! This did not happen with the last two...) has apparently affected my scrapping habits as well as everything else in my life. (Must clean...must purge...must organize) I am officially on a mission to 'clean out' my box of archived printed photos.

...and now back to our regular program! I still have a few more layouts to share from my getaway weekend      - lucky you!!


Anonymous said...

wonderful Lo

Anonymous said...

wonderful Lo

Anonymous said...

wonderful Lo