Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Mist is Here!

Oh My!!

This is absolutely one of my favorite times of the year!! The green mist of spring has arrived... Hooray!
The landscape has been brownish gray for months. Depressing. Living in a climate with so many deciduous trees and bushes means that when things de-leaf in the fall, it's a really dramatic difference - much more so than where I grew up!
When spring finally arrives, first we get snowdrops and crocus, then daffodils, then flowering trees...and finally...

a creeping green mist appears high in the trees on the very tips of the branches.

Baby leaves!!
They're here!! I wanna do a happy dance!

It's such a magical transformation! And once it starts it goes so quickly. It's almost as if you could watch the leaves grow if you stood still for a few minutes. After a day or two, the mist turns into miniature leaves then, in what seems like a just a breath, the trees are covered in full-sized leaves the color of lime sherbert. It's even better that it always happens right around my birthday. What a fabulous present!

Oh glorious spring! Such a time of hope and freshness and new beginnings!!

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