I dress my family for scrapbooking.
Yes, you read that right. I sometimes choose clothing with the idea that I'll probably scrap the pictures and I even choose (I can't believe I'm admitting this) to coordinate with a certain paper pack that I might use.
Just so you don't think I'm completely crazy, I will say that I don't do this all the time or even regularly...mostly just for special occasions. And I completely blame my status as a Close To My Heart consultant for this relatively new development. The papers are so beautiful and I work with them so often that the color schemes tend to run through my head on a pretty regular basis.
My real life example from this morning that inspired this confession:
I was deciding what to wear this morning and as I pulled out my shirt and plopped it on top of my dresser I thought, "that's exactly the color in the Veranda paper packet (ie Juniper)". Now, this is probably because I spent quite a bit of time yesterday working with the Veranda paper and getting Juniper ink all over my fingers...it was still floating near the top of my mind. ;)
Right after I had that thought I also remembered that today was our egg hunt at church - of course there would be pictures. I haven't used the Veranda paper for any of my own layouts yet, why not go ahead and coordinate Big Brother? Then I'll know in advance what paper I'll use!
So, I promptly head over to his closet and peruse the selection...light yellow (Creme Brulee) polo shirt it is! Now my photos will be coordinated and my paper already decided. Pre-planning at it's best. Awesome!
Of course, there's always a footnote, right?
Murphy's law for pre-planned scrapbookers...Big Brother spilled blueberry oatmeal (purple mess!) down the front of his light yellow polo shirt while he was eating breakfast. This from the fastidious child who rarely spills anything. Ha! I should have known better than to get him dressed before eating. Note to self: dress 3-year-old boys immediately before walking out the door! Luckily I had a yellow and white shirt in reserve. Not quite as perfect, but still the same idea.
Here we are in all our Veranda-colored glory:
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