Here is a page I did for prompt #17 which was about using black cardstock as a page background. I have done it before but not very often. Shimelle pointed out in the prompt that using a black background really puts the focus on the colors so I chose a photos and paper with vibrant colors. I definitely think that the black enhanced the effect of the other colors!
My extra challenge with this layout is that I did it while at my mom's house and I had forgotten my paper trimmer! So, I managed to complete my page without trimming any paper or photos with a straight-edge trimmer. That is definitely out of my comfort zone!!
Wow.. I love the colors you chose along with the black!! Awesome!! And you know what? You can't even tell you didn't have your trimmer! I love how it turned out! Great job!!!
Am SO impressed you didn't use a paper Emily says, you would never know! I did JYC for the first time last year, and am starting to think about this years
Alison xx
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