Thursday, January 28, 2010

Happy Dance!!!

It's done! It's done! WOW! Oh my feels so great to finish an album and really be DONE with it!
Dancing....dancing....dancing! Ok, so this doesn't happen very often. LOL! Like, every 2-3 years! Ha!

The problem is, I've morphed from a chronological scrapper into a 'scrap-what-inspires-me-NOW' scrapper. So, I have a bunch of albums going at one time. This is the end of William's baby book - huge check mark and I'm really glad it's done before #2 shows up! I'm probably 90% done with 2007, 70% done with 2008, and 40% done with 2009. So...I've got lots going on all at once. That doesn't even count mini-books and other projects by the way...

SO, here's the page that caused all the ruckus:

Aww...what a cute family! That's pic of B & W is one of my favorite early pictures of the two of them. I'm glad I finally got it into W's album.

Hooray!! It's done! Woot! Sorry...I just can't stop celebrating. So, if you're over sometime soon, make sure to ask to see W's baby book. I'm in the mood to show off!!

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