Wednesday, February 9, 2011

An 'S' kind of day...

We were on vacation last weekend and it occurred to me in the midst of a very lovely day that my day was full of words that started with the letter 'S'...

First, we arrived by Ship:

There was Sand and Sea to be enjoyed:

And blue Sky and Sunshine:

I took a little adventure boat ride that included Sharks:
And Shells (pulled right out of the water with their Shellfish still intact by the way):

And Starfish (also pulled out of the sea for us to examine - then thrown back of course):

As I was wandering in the shallow waters exploring the shoreine by myself, a friendly Stingray came to say 'hi':

Here, it's swimming away - I just wanted to prove how close it got to me (hence my toes in the picture). It came so close it would have touched me if I hadn't backed up...silly me!

And what do all these wonderful 'S' words add up to??

Smiles, of course!!

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